upliFting bodies &
The best thing about the BCCAs are the people
“...The best thing about the BCCAs is the people. Walking into the event you are greeted by a room full
of beautiful people of every shape, size, colour, and gender... As a couple, we have both gone through
significant changes to our bodies after struggling for many years with body confidence. That struggle
would have been much easier had the BCCAs existed when we were younger. At this event, those
who don’t fit the mold win the big prize. Those that are told to live in shame among the shadows are
transformed into stars that light up the night. What other awards show do you know that does this?
I can’t think of any. 1 word sums up our experiences at the Body Confidence Canada Awards over the
years: Powerful...The BCCAs are a precious jewel in the crown of community...”
It's an environment that accepts people exactly as they are
“Women elevating other women is something our world doesn’t do enough of. Our social culture often insists we conform to distorted beauty ideologies and forever promotes the idea of being more of this and less of that. In a world that works so hard to change us, it was amazing to be in an environment that accepted people exactly as they were — that encouraged us to be exactly as we are. This is what the BCCAs celebrates. As diversity and representation continues to trend in the media, the BCCAs are doing their part for body positivity and to usher the movement in the right direction. The future is starting to look brighter — and more importantly, inclusive for everyone.”
Maintaining confidence is a lifelong journey
"As a former victim of bullying and domestic abuse, my journey to confidence was not easy. I was honoured & floored to be a Body Confidence Canada Award (BCCA) Recipient in 2014 in front of a room full of individuals who applauded me and understood my journey. I believe that building confidence is one thing but maintaining our confidence is a lifelong journey. Being in receipt of a Body Confidence Canada Award is a daily reminder of the importance of embracing myself and living in my unique lane.”